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Microscope Slide, Cover Glasses

Microscope Slide, Cover Glasses

Microscope slide
Table Type Steam Sterilizers With Rapid Cooling System

Table Type Steam Sterilizers With Rapid Cooling System

Technical data:
1) Sterilizing chamber volume: 25L (270...
Infant Incubaors

Infant Incubaors

Based on TRBI3000, added a set of Phototherapy (blue light) unit for curing...
Chair Mounted Dental Units

Chair Mounted Dental Units

Standard features:
Basic set includes:...
X-Ray Machines

X-Ray Machines

1) One table, one tube
2) Single-phase, full wave, high voltage...
Ultrasound Scanners

Ultrasound Scanners

1.Scanning mode: convex array/linear array.
2.Display mode: real time...
Movable Convex-Linear Array Ultrasound Scanners

Movable Convex-Linear Array Ultrasound Scanners

1) Measure with calculation function: Measure...
Ecg Stress Tests

Ecg Stress Tests

Plus-stress Test
In addition to the rest ECG, RT-2000 can be easily expanded to...
Digital EEG

Digital EEG

TJ2000 Digital EEG
Is the best alternative to the conventional paper EEG, offers more...


1)Simultaneously acquisition of 12-lead ECG data, IEC Class I, type CF...