Product Description
Plus-stress Test
In addition to the rest ECG, RT-2000 can be easily expanded to RT-2000/Plus, a perfect stress test system that records and monitors all 12 leads ECG simultaneously and continuously.
1)ST measurement: Averaged ECG complexes are superimposed on a reference ECG complex,showing the ST changes in detail. ST measurements and ST slopes are displayed on trend graph during the test. Different ST measurement points are configurable.
2)Measurements and Trend Graphs: Heart rate, load (or speed and elevation) and blood pressure measurements or trend graphs are available during the test, providing instant information regarding changes as they occur.
3)Treadmills and Ergometers: RT-2000/Plus controls most treadmills and ergometers with standard RS232 interface. Various stress test protocols are provided and can also be programmed by the system user. The protocols can be changed during the test.
4)Blood Pressure: With Tango Exercise BP Monitors, RT-2000/Plus automatically measures and displays a patients systolic and diastolic BP along heart rate during a treadmill and ergometer stress test.Minimum Computer System.
1)Pentium III Processor
2)64MB Ram
3)20G HD
4)Windows-98/2000/XP Operating System
5)VGA compatible Display
6)Windows-98/2000/XP Compatible Laser or inkjet Printer