Hydraulic Pressure relief safety valve
1) ISO9001 certified
2) Guarantee safety
3) Low price
4) OEM service

1. relief valves with high quality and competitive price
2. strictly following relative standards
3. custom design
.Prevents damage to hot water systems by relieving excess pressure and temperature
.Cast DR brass body
.Stainless steel valve seat
.Easy to operate flushing mechanism
.An integral auxiliary relief and vacuum valve
.Non-serviceable and non-adjustable
.Dry spring construction
.Stainless steel spring
High pressure may cause excessive discharge and possible premature failure of the operating relief valve.The maximum water pressure usually occurs during the night, at the time of lowest water usage. In any mains pressure water heater installation,if the inlet water pressure exceeds 80% of the nominal set pressure of the operation relief valve,a pressure limiting valve must be fitted to the cold inlet.(If a cold water expansion control valve is fitted it will have a lower set pressure than the T/P relief valve and thus be classed as the "operating"relief valve.)