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E-Power industries group limited is the earliest professional HID xenon lamp manufacturer and exporter in China, we have developed HID products successfully in 2002, and has passed the ISO9001 certification. We have the most powerful HID product research and development team in China, and through a lot of time and resources invested, our HID products always synchronized with the world trend, with a good product competitive advantage. Over the years we always adhere to the technical innovation-oriented, product quality and development of the principles of openness, innovation, mutual trust, win-win style of HID industry in China to create a first of its kind. The company products have successfully entered Europe and the United States, South Korea and Japan, Southeast Asia, South Africa, North Africa, the Middle East and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan markets. Clear product in 2008, stabilized at 100,000 over 2009 to reach more than 180,000 is expected in 2010 will reach more than 250,000, and in a state of steady growth.

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