electric bike
electric bike, we have new certificate(EN15194) for european countries, very salable in...
electric mountain bike
electric bike, we have new certificate(EN15194) for european countries, very salable in...
lady bike
e-bike, this models is very fit womens' riding, has a good sale in this years.
folding electric bike
folding electric bike, this models is our hot items in 2009, with 16" frame, nice designs...
electric bicycle
electric bicycles, with 250w brushless motor, PAS system
electric bikes
electric bikes, this bikes is our new designs in 2009, with CE certificate, very salable...
electric mountain bike
electric mountain bike, with this bike, you can enjoy the riding.
lady bike
this models is come with 28" alloy frame, very salable in Holland, Germany, England, etc.
electric scooter
We can produce e-scooter with 1500 and 2000w motor, EEC compliance. Very salable in...
electric scooter
with 500W motor, the Max. speed is 25km/h, it has quite salable in Netherlands, Germany,...
alloy folding bike
this models is very hot in this years, with CE approval
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