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Company Overview Show

"Meige" debuted its business in the year of 1992 and is an ISO9001-2000 registered enterprise. From the very infancy stage we have already projected our products development strategy as " Environment Friendly, efficient and effective, simple and convenient".

Through our unrelenting pursuit today we have already successfully diversified our business operations and at the meantime we are actively engaged in tapping into the international market. With annual out-puts of 8 million sets of final products "Meige"
stands amongst one of the largest manufacturers in our products domain in China market, and our water-saving products are one of the most popular brands in China. "Meige" has also jingled its tune in the markets of Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa etc.. 

Strongly backed-up by high level human resources as well as highly advanced production lines and first-grade testing facilities in China, we would like to meet diversified needs of all our customers from both the domestic and overseas markets. Satisfaction of our customers is our success.

Hands in hands, You and "Meige", let us challenge ourselves into a challenging, yet more prosperous future.

Company Information
