BOR-TAS A.S. is a member of BOR-AN group a multi chain company.( , BOR-TAS is the one of the leading companies in manufacturing ladies sanitary napkins (myped) and panty liners in turkey . BOR-TAS A.S have been supplying hygenic napkin to the European and the Middle East market in Turkey since 2000. Myped production plant is located at Kırşehir Industerial Organized Zone, with indoor area of 17.200 m2 on a total outdoor area of 34,300 m2. With the Fully automatic machines and the latest available technolgy used, My ped's quality is certified with ISO 9001:2000, along with enviromental awareness and customer satisfaction.With my ped Dynamic and young employees whom in a serious and constant researches and their development activities to make sure that myped is always competitive brand in the global market and a brand that you can rely on.