Welcome to fusionspliceronsale.com - your online source for quality Fusion Splicer products. We carry Branded Fiber Cleanings, Fiber Optic Cleavers, Fiber Optic Viewing Scopes Fault Detectors Testers, Fusion Splicers, Optical Power Meters, Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDR) and more.
At http://fusionspliceronsale.com you can browse more than 1000 Units Products online, we ship Products right to your door. In past 8 years, we have provided our products and services to over 10000 customers. Thanks for taking the time to get to know us.
We have an established service center and warehouses in Singapore, Indonesia & Malaysia.
We carefully select what products to carry from over hundred factories and many of our products are manufactured from Fujikura, DVP, Orientek, Expo, IIsintech and other famous name brands to bring you the best quality products in the market today.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our passionate efforts fuel our rapid growth and loyal customer following. We emphasize a superior customer experience through a user-friendly website that continuously improves to serve our shopper's needs.