Supera Handbag Co.,Ltd Supera handbag Co., Ltd., it is a high quality fashion handbag wholesaler in Guangzhou, China. We have professional knowledge in handbag manufacturing and the concern business, especially in genuine leather bag, fashion bag,luxury bag, evening bag, tote bag ect. So we can supply the best quality products to you. At the meantime, we also can offer the competitive price and reasonable shipping to your for these products. You are welcome to contact us with the products you want. Our honest, safe delivery, skillful and professional dealing with this business make us get a lot of business from the developed country. So just contact with us, you can get almost all of the super quality items you wanted with competitive and affordable price. Other then handbag business, we are also the export company, we can help customers sourcing what products you wanted to purse from China with lowest price. Contact us right now: Link: Email/Skype: