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A-Starjet is the brand of our printer, we are the first one manufacturer to make photo printer, till now we have about 7 years experience in making the machines. Based on our sales records, most of our machines are exported to overseas market, such as Russia, Turkey, France, Iran, Nigeria, South Africa, Indonoesia, India, Sri Lanka, Chile, Venezuela, Ecudador and so on.Our machines are confirmed by them, not only the stable quality, but also the excellent after-sales. If you choose us, then you can realize this.
A-Starjet is located in ChangZhou Software Park, Chang Zhou city, JiangSu Province. After 10 years development in embedded software/hardware of computer aided system, we accumulated abundant technical strength, specially in the fields of image processing & printer controlling. A-Starjet focus many functions in one company, such as software development, machine design & manufacturing, circuit controlling, self-owned printing head, ink development. We are the only one in ink-jet printing industry owns independent intellectual Property Right in China. A qualified, creative & efficient team, directed by fore sighting company strategies, we provide customer with good machine performance. Therefore, we are gaining customer recognition & appreciation in the world.

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