parallel cutting machine/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
the parallel cutting machine is used to cut the surface of...
push car/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
the push car is designed to push the mold to the bottom of...
track car/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
the track car is used to move molds from one rail to...
trommel screen/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
Trommel screen is designed for electricity generating...
electronic batching machine/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
The batching machine can be set to finish the match of the...
mold/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
the mold is a basic equipment in the foam concrete brick...
ferry car/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
the ferry car is used to de mold and to move the mold from...
band conveyor/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
band conveyor is used to send the raw materials to the foam...
cutting machine/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
the cutting machine is used to cut the blocks transversally...
stacking machine/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
the stacking machine is used to stack bricks.
foam mixer/ brick making machine/ foam concrete brick
The foam mixer is uniquely designed to mix foam agent with...
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