Yiwu Cozytime Home Textiles.,Co.,ltd is one of the most professional micro beads products factories in China. We have been concentrating on the design, manufacture and quality control of micro beads products for 8 years (including pillows, cushions , toys, etc).Our major markets are Europe, North America, southeast Asia and so on. We have served customers such as Disney, Samsung, Volkswagen, Wal-Mart, Apple, Heineken, etc.
We believe product quality is the most important, so the entire production process has strict quality management standards, and every product must go through critical QC inspection, so as to assure that we can meet each customer's requirements for quality.
Great sevice is our mission.High quality is our obligation. Below are some core points of our enterprise culture: 1. Principle: high quality, competitive price and excellent service 2. Promise: do what we have promised .
We believe that with your confidence and our efforts, COZYTIME will be your best friend and the leader of the micro beads industry. We are looking forward to a bright future together with our customers .