Forover a decade, Morelux pole has built a reputation on quality products, precise delivery ,and comprehensive service in a diverse range of industries. We perpetually seek to improve our products and service to offer our customers the best possible experience. In 2009 ,we invested in a new state of theart aluminum pole facility to further broaden our industrial capabilities. During the last few years we've expanded and enhanced every as pect of our business based on our customers feedback and our understanding of the unique challenges they face. To help overcomethese challenges, we've added new engineering and design resources, new manufacturing divisions, new product lines, and new supply - chain & financialservices. For 2013 , we aren't just redefining our business synergies; we're most importantly renewing our commitment towards our customers. Our commitment goes far beyond manufacturing and supply; we position ourselves as a vertical business partner that helps tackle our customers'obstacles and actively assist them in their development and growth.