GUANGZHOU CAIJIE LEATHER COMPANY LIMITED is a leading and professional manufacture and exporter of ladies hangbags in China. We offer extensive best selling quality all kinds of bags ranging from women's handbags, cosmetic bags, messenger bags, wallets and travel bags for over 11 years, with over 500 existing items for you to choose from. Around 30,000 handbags are mainly exported to fashion shop owners, importers, supermarket chain stores to over 20 countries.
Utilizing Advanced Facilities and Supported by Skilled Workforce We have three processing lines and about 150 workers in our 12,000sqm factory that can turn out 25,000 pieces monthly. We also have three engineers with over 10 years of experience who can release 50 new items each month and finish a sample in five days. Furthermore, our five QC auditors, with three years of experience, ensure all our products are compliant with REACH standards.
MOQ is 300 handbags and our delivery lead time is 20 days for one 20-foot carton and 35 days for one 40-foot carton. Contact us today to know more.