Changshu Sounway Bridge Components Co., Ltd, since founded has amassed a wealth of experience in all aspects of vibration, noise and shock isolation and control in both project and building applications.
Changshu Sounway Bridge Components Co., Ltd is now a leading player in the field of vibration control engineering and machine mounting methods. As an engineering company we strive to create solutions that meet or exceed the technical and commercial requirements and as a product supplier we aim to provide a high level of product quality, delivered on time and at a fair price.According to our clients'specifications, our products meet the highest standards.
Sounway Bridge Company manufactures & exports bridge expansion joint, elastomeric bearing pads used to eliminate concrete spalling within building and construction applications. The company's line includes plain elastomeric bearings (feature neoprene or natural rubber material), steel-reinforced elastormeric bearing pads, elastomeric bearings that are vulcanized directly to heavy steel sole plates or masonry plates. The bearings are for bridges and buildings and can be designed according to several technical standards. We also deal in all kinds of Bridge Expansion Joints, P.V.C Water Stops.
To be great, we must have the ability to deliver good returns and solid growth over time. To achieve these results, we must provide our customers with a broad, complete and high-quality set of products and services while leveraging the benefits and efficiency that come with scale.