Smart handbag factory is a fashion handbags manufacturer/wholesaler targeting at middle and upper middle market in Guangzhou, China. We design, manufacture, distribute handbags for both women and men. Our main products are: Clutch/evening Bags, Hobo Handbags, Messenger bags, Shoulder bags, Tote Bags, etc.
Covering about 700 square meters, plus 50 skilled workers, the factory can produce approximately 10,000 pieces quality fashion bags monthly. As a result, we are able to deliver your order within 2 weeks as soon as we conclude the business.
As a manufacturer, we also undertake your design and construct bags under your private label or according to your requirement. If you are interested in such service, please kindly click OEM Service for more information.
Owing to their superior quality and reasonable price as well as nice design, our fashion handbags have met with a warm reception and quick sale in United Kingdom, American, Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Poland, Taiwan and so on.
Welcome to contact us, we are looking forward to establishing business relationships with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit.