Our company is the global online provider of sign outdoor.Our company regard the management conception--"Online customization\Factory production\Wholesale price\Global service" as our company hightest pursue by means of e-commerce 24 hours uninterrupted online shopping platform. Our factory not only possess manufacturing factory with the size about 3,000 square meters and advanced processing equipments for outdoor light box but also our company strengthen and control the manufacturing process and work flow very strictly for each product.On the basis of the above,our company also have signed the cooperation agreement with numbers of outstanding enterprises which are engaged in outdoor advertisement signs products.Our company supervise and verify strictly with product type\quality and manufacturing qualification of the cooperative enterprises so that the manufacturers without manufacturing qualification made\examined and approved by the state and inferior products will be refused at first time.Besides we also have established mature system of customer security,we stand on the position of the customer perspective from the packaging\delivery\installation\operation and after-sales service of products so that the entire shopping process is tending towards perfect.
The customers can browse freely and purchase other goods which cover thousands of outdoor advertisement signs products such as led light boxes\signs light box\letters for signs \acrylic letters\neon signs what they want.After the customers have chosen commodity and quantity,then the customers can realize the payment online easily by using Paypal\MoneyGram\Western Union and some other kinds of payment platforms at the same time ,after our company have got customer orders,the manufacturing centers and logistic centers located in Beijing will deliver the customized products to customers location promptly and safely as soon as possible.
All the products are high quality\reasonable price and stable performance besides all of them can meet the CCC\UL\CE international standard for quality certification.