BEOT AUTOMATION MACHINERY CO., LIMITED was set up in 2000. With more than 150 skilled workers. In the past 10 years, we integrates designing, manufacturing & sales service together. We specialize in producing pneumatic & hydraulic components. Our main products are pneumatic vibrator, valve, cylinder & F.R.L & fittings and so on. We have more than 2000 items. They are widely used in many different fields, such as chemicals, textile ,packing, foods, metallurgy, tobacco, plastic industry ,etc.
All products are manufactured by CNC machines. From die-casting, machining to assembly, all of our goods undergo a series of tests before shipment. We have obtained ISO and CE certificates.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with quality products,competitive prices, superior customer service and prompt delivery. OEM Services are also available.
Customers' satisfactions are always our priority. Sincerely, we do hope to create the "win-win" situation between you and us.