Found in 2004, SHUNJIANG BAG CO.,LTD is specialized in making and selling cosmetic bag,beach bag\shopping bag\cooler bag\tooling bag \travelling bag \PVC bag\foldable bag and so on. Our bags are saled all around the world countries, such as Europe\America\Canada \South Africa etc. Due to our good quality and delivery in time,we get good reputation and honor from our clients and suppliers. We still persevere with the belief:"Quality is our life!Quality is our future"!
In order to provide our client with the best service,SHUNJIANG BAG CO.,LTD has its own design department!When you send us your original sample\drawing\picture to us,we can make the sample. Of course, you also can choose our design. We can do everything as your requirement. SHUNJIANG BAG CO.,LTD sincerely welcome all of clients around the world to visit our factory and establish long-term relationship with us on mutual benefit. If you have interested in any of our product,please feel free contact us for further negotiation!