It gives us immense pleasure to introduce ourselves as one of the leading manufacturer and indentors in indian textile industries. Madhuram fincap pvt ltd is created as buying agency to contend with the increasing demand in quality and variety required by worldwide buyers at the most compatible prices coupled with excellent services by industries leading professionals. Being the sister concern of zoom synthetics pvt ltd & group companies which has solid export as well as local customer base with aturnover of 450 crores. We can bring in expertise and control over product prices due to variation in yarn prices and product quality by ensuring consistent yarn quality. Please see below few product range for your refernce: 1. 75/36 NIM ,SIM ,HIM 7. 100/34 NIM ,SIM , HIM 13. 150/34 SIM ,HIM 2. 75/36 1H NIM ,SIM 8. 100/36 SIM , HIM 14. 300/72 NIM 3. 75/48 NIM ,SIM , HIM 9. 100/48 NIM , HIM , SIM 15. 300/96 NIM , SIM , HIM 4. 75/72 SIM ,HIM 10. 100/108 NIM , HIM , SIM 16. 450/96 SIM HIM 5. 75/108 SIM , HIM 11. 100/144 SIM, HIM 17. 150/48 DDB NIM 6. 75/144 SIM , HIM 12. 150/48 NIM, SIM , HIM 18. 75/36 DDB NIM
We are delivering complete end-to-end package of sourcing, development & delivery through strong market support, efficient quality control systems, unmatched product development capabilities, delievery fulfillment at the most competitive prices. All is being done under one management control and we act as your man on the spot. Your business is important to us and we look forward for a positive and valuable response from you. For any further details and enquiries kindly visit us at our website
Apart from mentioned products we can also supply all kind of Cotton yarns, Viscose Yarns, Blended Cotton, Blended Viscose, Spun Polyesters etc.....