Dynoland Industrial Supply Co., Ltd (abbreviated as Dynoland) is a professional company providing industrial equipment for oil & gas production and exploration, refining & petrochemical, civil construction and mining industries. With technical competence, comprehensive expertise of a broad range of equipment and efficient service, we can s help our clients and partners make benefit.
Our main products and services:
1. Oil & Gas Exploration and Production: drilling rigs, workover rigs, casings, tubing, line pipes, drill pipes, HWDP, drill collars, sucker rods, polishing rods, swabbing trucks, pumping units, wireline systems, wellheads, X-mas trees, manifold assembly, 3-phase separators, high pressure sand separators, rotary control heads, thread protectors, stabilizers, vacuum insulated tubing, mud pumps, spare parts of mud pumps, liner hangers, cement plugs, float collars, float shoes, high pressure rotary circulation heads, etc.
2. Refining & petrochemicals: Full sets of equipment, process and catalysts for small and medium-sized refineries with raw materials like waste lubricant and plant oil .
3. Civil construction: Brick-making production lines, forklifts, pipe-layers, cranes, mobile r........