SHOBAG is specialising in re-usable bags for the promotional and retail industries. We supply all types of Shopping Bags, Promotional Bags, Wine Bags, Conference Bags, Hotel Bags and reusable carrier bags for many other purposes. Our main product lines are Cotton Bags, Jute Bags, Non-Woven Bags,Travel bags, Cooler bags and Storage items. These reusable bags are very eco friendly and so are good for the environment.
All our bags are designed and manufactured specially for each individual customer. We recognize how important your bag is for displaying your brand, so you can have your bag printed in any colour you choose, with your own logo and design featuring prominently on it. Depending on your needs and requirements, we can produce bags of various prices, which will be suitable either for re-sale to your customers or to give away as a promotional item. We supply a wide variety of Trade Show Bags and Product Launch Bags. These bags are very popular as a promotional item and can be supplied in whatever material and size that you require. If you give out a nice bag at a trade show, your competitors? bags will most likely be placed inside it.
Printed bags are a type of walking advertisement when they are carried around by your customers. With a reusable bag your bag and your branding continues on working for you again and again.
All the bags pictured on this site are just examples of the kind of bag we can produce.Your own bag will be designed and produced especially for you.