Suyu Railway Material Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of railway fasteners and standard components. We are one of the largest railway fasteners factories in China. We have been granted the ISO9001-2008 certificate. We can provide products as following: 1. Screw spike/Sleeper screw, Coach screw/ Drive screw, Dog spike/Track spike/Lock spike/Boat spike; 2. Track bolt/ T bolt / Rail bolt/ Clamp bolt/ Inserted bolt/ Clip bolt/ Fish bolt/ Square bolt/Rail joint bolt; 3. Special bolts/ U bolts/ Anchor bolts/ Foundation bolts/ Stud bolts/ Rod bolt/ Curved bolt/ Tunnel bolt; 4. Tie plate/ Base plate/ Rail Pads/ Sole plate; 5. Fish plate / Rail Joint bar; 6. rail clip/ Tension clamp/ E, PR, SKL clip/ Pandrol clip/ Deenik clip; 7. Clamp plate/ Nabla spring blade/ Anchor plate/ Steel clip for Crane Rail; 8. Shoulder/ Rail sleeper Inserts/ Rail Anchors for rail sleepers; 9. Screwspike Dowel/ Guide plate/ Nylon insert.