Factory audit service helps you understand the capability and conditions of manufacturers...
social compliance audit
hqts auditor will interview staff, check records and audit factory operation according to...
pre-production inspection
It allows an early prevention of defective materials/ accessories / semi-finished/...
during production inspection
ensure the quality of products is maintained throughout the...
pre-shipment inspection
reflect real status of the finished products against required spec.help you to make...
loading supervision
ensure containers are in good condition and secured with HQTS seals after loading, to...
100% inspection
This service ensures each piece of finished products meets specified quality requirements
Apparel and Textile Testing
awareness of environmental friendliness, health and safety...
ISTA Packaging Test
How can product loss caused by shipping and handling damage be avoided?
Ceramic and Glassware Testing
ceramics and glassware play a unique role for a healthy life...
Toys and children products testing
Safety of toys and children's products has become a focus of...
Candle product testing
With the growing popularity of candles, incidents of candle-related fires also mount...
Jewellery Testing
The potential threat of chemicals used in jewelery and accessories to human health has...
Footwears Products Testing
reduce the impact against the human health and environment...
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