We,Yin Yan Co.,Ltd, can offer different kinds of parts for cummins application, especially for 4BT,6BT,6CT,N855,K19,K38 etc.series.
Below are the parts list of cummins turbocharger we usually sell, please have a check and contact me for the details.
3036167 | 3802292 | 3528552 | 3801927 | 3528238 | 4050221 |
3801945 | 3802391 | 3522870 | 3032051 | 4050268 | 4050236 |
3032075 | 3802418 | 3811555 | 3801926 | 3538626 | 4050237 |
150039 | 3802819 | 3522866 | 3801925 | 3802871 | 4050242 |
3801942 | 3908098 | 3801599 | 3032050 | 3802868 | 3537494 |
3801986 | 3908099 | 3005857 | 3032049 | 3538029 | 3802986 |
3011733 | 3916351 | 3520659 | 3801923 | 3590257 | 4050244 |
3011732 | 3919145 | 3521052 | 3032048 | 3590258 | 3802430 |
3801985 | 3919151 | 3522871 | AR11241 | 3590259 | 3528777 |
3801984 | 3919161 | 3801475 | AR12637 | 3802867 | 3532801 |
3011731 | 3801598 | 3523756 | 3801922 | 3802859 | 4050264 |
3006449 | 3521551 | 3801596 | 217771 | 3537130 | 4050278 |
3801983 | 3522861 | 3523410 | 3001117 | 3535791 | 4051033 |
3801982 | 3523415 | 3801545 | 3032047 | 3802823 | 4061405 |
3001213 | 3523822 | 3522064 | AR12089 | 3802663 | 6137-82-8200 |
3801981 | 3801597 | 3522132 | AR12636 | 3534019 | 6138-82-8201 |
3801980 | 3801697 | 3519092 | AR12857 | 3535870 | 6138-82-8200 |
3000460 | 3007732 | 3801482 | 3801941 | 3802656 | 6151-81-8400 |
AR11107 | 3008659 | 3800998 | 3011919 | 3535872 | 6151-83-8110 |
AR12639 | 3008660 | 3592317 | 3017554 | 3802655 | 6207-81-8200 |
3000458 | 3022510 | 3593613 | 3024667 | 3537562 | 6207-81-8210 |
3801979 | 3033548 | 3593614 | 3032066 | 3802798 | 4043281 |
3801977 | 3033549 | 3800997 | 3801939 | 3537512 | 4043403 |
3801976 | 3035306 | 3800996 | 3011903 | 3802788 | 4043976 |
3801975 | 3523850 | 3593268 | 3032064 | 3537511 | 4043977 |
3801938 | 3524762 | 3593643 | 3526271 | 3536350 | 4043982 |
3011902 | 3594027 | 3593644 | 3594059 | 3590285 | 4044051 |
3025814 | 3801722 | 3593645 | 3801848 | 3802728 | 4044155 |
3032063 | 3801884 | 3800993 | 3017742 | 3538416 | 4045054 |
3032076 | 3524450 | 3800992 | 3524794 | 3802842 | 4914369 |
3801943 | 3594038 | 3593229 | 3594070 | 3538275 | 4047752 |
3801936 | 3801885 | 3594587 | 3801847 | 3537480 | 4047746 |
3538072 | 3524451 | 3801689 | 3005516 | 3802836 | 3538731 |
3537039 | 3594040 | 3035308 | 3033789 | 3538124 | 3592111 |
3534369 | 3801849 | 3524632 | 3524658 | 3538125 | 3596598 |
3534370 | 3026654 | 3594043 | 3594060 | 3802832 | 4047758 |
3534276 | 3033556 | 3801685 | 3801846 | 3536348 | 3960566 |
3533878 | 3524656 | 3524350 | 3017218 | 3802751 | 3960478 |
3533879 | 3594058 | 3801621 | 3026229 | 3536336 | 3960559 |
3533880 | 3803015 | 3502951 | 3524648 | 3802741 | 3960707 |
3533738 | 3525504 | 3525242 | 3530011 | 3537289 | 3960567 |
3533687 | 3594085 | 3526432 | 3594051 | 3537287 | 2834174 |
3533688 | 3802307 | 3801617 | 3801845 | 3593565 | 2834176 |
3533564 | 3802321 | 3521830 | 3524792 | 3537292 | 2834302 |
3533557 | 3525488 | 3523272 | 3526235 | 3537293 | 2834821 |
3535808 | 3527370 | 3801485 | 3594101 | 3537294 | 4031503 |
3535807 | 3528779 | 3801616 | 3801921 | 3539311 | 4035189 |
3535749 | 3802309 | 3520696 | 217768 | 3594596 | 4035472 |
3535750 | 3911824 | 3521051 | 3032046 | 3593287 | 4035483 |
3535666 | 3911825 | 3521434 | AR12633 | 3592671 | 4038000 |
Here are the details of the prodcuts we can offer:
1, Crank-con rod system: such as cylinder block, head, piston, liner, con rod, bearings and crankshaft etc.
2, Valve system:such as valve, valve guide, manifold, camshaft and push rod etc.
3, Fuel system:such as fuel pump, injector, injector cup and barrel&plunger etc.
4, Cooling system:such as fan, water pump, radiator and thermostat etc.
5, Turbocharger and turbo repair kit.
6, Other parts such as motor startor, seal and gasket kit etc.
7, Generator set:power range from 2KW to 1000KW