Vacuum resh box
This really is the best thing since sliced bread -it can keep youer sliced as fresh as the day it was made !the Vacuum resh box works by removing the air from inside the food chamber ,itis the oxygen in air that cause foods to degrade so quickly ,so your foods can re4main fresh ,full of goodness and tasting as great as the day you put them in
keeos your food fresh and will save you money too
ideal solution for storing food and allows you to buy in bulk ,simply store it all in the freshbox
save even more money by taking advantage of the fact the machine can run on batteries so you store packed lunches for long car journeys
use it caravan or when camping or out at the beach all day
save time in the morning by putting everyone packed sadwiches in the freshbox the night before work/school with its?sleek ,moden design this appliance will fit into any kitchen and soon raplace ypur tired old breabin