gabion wall
Among the most common gabion structures, gravity wall rely on their significant mass and geometry to retain soil. Inherently flexible and porous, gabions are well mechanically suited to gravity walls and require no additional drainage. Gravity walls are usually designed with a 6 degree batter from vertical, with either a stepped front face or stepped back face.
Gravity walls constructed from gabions will revegetate over time but may be selectively planted with desired species. Once established, the vegetation will add even greater strength to the structure.
Gabions are an ecomonical and attractive alternative to walls constructed from concrete or articulated block. Gravity walls are ideally suited to construction from roll-stock. This purchase option offers substantial savings in material costs and labor, incurs less freight and permits costruction of continous lifts up to 300-feet in length. Baskets may be filled with locally available graded stone, or for even greater economy, crushed concrete.