Product Description
Polyester YOUGNMANCN COM vulcanized fibre tubes ,compound tubing fuse tubes ,winding a filament-wound glass-epoxy outer tube over an inner tube of vulcanized fiber, arc-quenching tubing , Vulcanized fibre tube wrapped with fibre glass (is fabricated by winding a filament-wound glass-epoxy outer tube over an inner tube of vulcanized fiber) complex tubes of epoxy resin fiberglass vulcanized fiber ,arc-quenching tubes arc extinguishing tubes, epoxy glass fabric cloth tubes FILAMENT winding tubes . use in:fuse inserts,electrical devices ,spaces and bushings,fuse parts, voltage insulators ,reverse osmosis shells, and rocket casings.cutouts fuse ,solenoid,coil winding cores high voltage fuse cut-out,isolator switch ,lightning arrester,insulator fuse Email salefibre at