We can produce the bearings accordingly to the customers' samples or drawings. Meanwhile Our Company is specialized in manufacturing various types of bearings and we also accept OEM service
with SKF FAG NSK NTN KOYO NACHI etc brands. Our products are in good quality and reasonable prices.The following is part of our products:
102949/10, 25877/21, 387A/382A, 28584/28521
104948/10, 25580/20, 31594/20, 28682/28522
104949/11, 25590/20, 3490/20, 28985A/28920
11749/10, 29685/10, 33262/462, 29585/29521
11949/10, 218248/10, 39581/20, 29590/29522
11649/10, 2789/35X, 3982/20, 33257/33462
11590/20, 28580/21, 3782/20, 33281/33462
12649/10, 28985/21, 3984/20, 33287/33462
15106/250, 29748/10, 3984/25, 33889/33821
18590/20, 28584/21, 359S/354X, 39590/39520
18690/20, 218248/10, 300849/11, 41125/41286
1280/20, 212047 , 300849/10, LM67049/11
17887/31, 212049 , 33895/21, LM67049A/11
15103S/243, 212048/10, 31594/20, LM67049A/14
15112/250, 24780/20, 33895/22, LM102949/10
15123/245, 25577/23, 3776/20, LM102949/11
15120/245, 2788/20, 3780/20, LM104949/11
11399/60, 212749/11, 320/28, LM501349/10
11162/300, 220149/10, 320/32, LM501349/11
15578/20, 28680/22, 39585/20, LM501349/14
14137/276, 28985/20, 33287, LM603049/11
14118/283, 29585/20, 30BCDS2, LM603049/12
C014, 29685/20, 35BCDS2, M88047/10
C06, 2872/20, 33281/462, M88048/10
12749/10, 2580/23, 33275/462, M88048/11
12749/11, 25880/20, 355X/352, M88048/12
15101/245, 2780/20, 3379/20, M201047/11
368A/362A, 2796/20, 3767/20, 368/362A
39590/20, 3585/25, 33287/462, 368A/362A
462/453X, 567/563, 68149/10, 387A/382A
48548/10, 572/563, 67048/10, 387A/382S
44649/10, 575/572, 69349/10, 387AS/382A
47687/20, 580/572, 603049/11, 387A/383A
4T2789/35, 503349/10, 603049/12, 390A/394A
47686/20, 501349/10, 603049/14, LM48548A/10
480/472, 594/592A, 687/672, LM48548/11
484/472, 518445/10, 683/672, LM48548A/11A
497/47, 559/552, 68450/62, LM48548/11A
42346/3381, 598/593, 663/655, LM48549/10
47686/20, 528983B, 68149/10, LM67043/10
4388/35, 552A/555S, 663/653, LM67047/10
46143/368, 56425, 6386/20, LM67047/11
Item No., Item No., Item No., Item No.
47679/20, 518445/10, 68145/11, LM67048/10
45449/10, 515649/10, 801346/12, LM67048/11
414/418, 516449/10, 88649/10, LM67049/10
469/453X, 537/532, 86649/10, LM67049A/10
44643/10, 569/563, 88542/10, 22780/22720
45280/20, 598/592A, 84548/10, 23100/23256
497/493, 9943, 89446/10, 25577/25520
45284/20, 903249/10, 88542/10, 25577/25522
759/752, 02872/20, 807040/10, 25577/25523
740R/742, 02474/20, 807046/10, 25580/25520
749A/742, 09067/195, 88048/10, 25590/25520
718149/10, 0305A, 803149/12, 25590/25522
78125C, 09081/195, 801346/10, 25590/25523