Plain Dutch Woven Wire Mesh
Woven Wire Mesh--Plain Dutch Weave|Dutch Wire Cloth-Plain Weave|Plain Dutch Weave Wire Mesh|Stainless Steel Woven Wire Cloth|Plain Dutch Weave Filter
Cloth|Industrial Woven Wire Mesh|Plain Dutch Woven Wire Cloth|Wire Mesh Wire Cloth
Plain Dutch Weave is primarily used as a filter cloth. The openings slant diagonally through the cloth and
cannot be seen by looking directly at the cloth. This weave has a coarser mesh and wire in the warp
direction and a finer mesh and wire in the shute direction, giving a very compact, firm mesh with great strength.
Woven Wire Mesh-Plain Dutch Weave: Plain Dutch Weave Wire Cloth(Woven Wire Cloth-Plain Dutch Weave) is primarily used as filter cloth. This kind of woven wire cloth has a coarser mesh and
wire in the warp direction and a finer mesh and wire in the weft direction. Plain Dutch Weave Wire Cloth(Woven Wire Cloth-Plain Dutch Weave) makes an ideal filter cloth with a very compact, firm mesh with great strength.
Specification of Woven Wire Mesh-Plain Dutch Weave
Mesh from 8/62 to 90/550mesh.
Dutch Woven Wire Mesh Filter Cloth Property: This kind of Dutch Woven Wire Cloth offers good wear
resistance, heat resistance, acid resistance and corrosion resistance .
Dutch Woven Wire
Mesh Filter Cloth Uses: Stainless Steel Dutch Woven Wire Cloth and other materials
of Dutch Woven Wire
Cloth are utilized as filter fittings for chemical industry, medicine, petroleum,
telecom-communication, scientific research units and so on.