Product Description
360 degree LED display. Display individual images, animations or text. Giving an animation rate of 40 frames per second& 62,000 virual pixels allowing text, graphics and animations to be displayed. Size - Diameter:280mm, Height:380mm Weight - 4 Kg Animation Rate - 40 Frames/Second Display Resolution - 73 pixels by up to 850 pixelss round(62000 virtual pixels) Display Colour Depth - 3 bits per pixel giving 7 colours and black per pixel(red, green, blue, turquoise, mauve, yellow, black) Memory - 64Mb onboard memory
Connecting to iBall: Spacial Display Editor software can connect to iBall by direct connection to PC com. Port, by modem or byTCP/IP network
Point to Point: Suitable connection of one Device to a PC. Half duplex communications capability
Daisy Chain: Many Devices may be chained up. Half duplex communications capability, but only to the first Device in the chain.
Hub: Using a Gdi/Spacewriter RS232 hub, many Devices may be connected. Each with half duplex communications.
Modem: If you attach a modem to iBall, you can use Spacial Display Editor to phone up the modem from the PC and upload new text, imagesand animations, remotely. See picture below.
TCP/IP: Using an ethernet to RS232 converter such as the Moxa Nport Express, Devices may be controlled via the internet. You will need anInternet Service Provider(ISP) and a fixed IP address for each converter. Each converter installs as a com. Port. 'Spacial Display Editor' can support up to 256 com. Ports. The diagram below outlinesTCP/IPoperation.