China DHK Group was established in 2001. We are ISO-9001 certificated company. We focus stable high quality and professional service as well as reasonable price. Supported by our very strong & professional engineering team and good equipped quality research center, we are the right company to supply our customers with very stable high quality products, one way clutch bearing, one way clutch bearings and professional service. Also we are no problem to fully understand and develop custom requirement. We control our production, one way clutch bearing, one way clutch bearings and quality process according to ISO standard and also no problem to follow PPAP III. We always submit samples according to ISIR. We are exporting more than 70% of our products, one way clutch bearing, one way clutch bearings to both Europe and USA, some of them go for OEM customers like GE, GM, Ford, etc.
We can manufacture all one way bearings according to the samples or drawings from all customers.