The 5in1 Sit-N-Stroll it is an FAA-approved car-seat that converts into a full function stroller. It is an excellent solution for a baby on the move that meets or even exceeds all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. This Restraint Certified for Use in Motor Vehicles and Aircraft.
As a car seat, the 5in1 Sit-N-Stroll is great for day to day use and best for travel.
The wheels and a handle are pop out from the car seat body, instantly transforming the car seat into a stroller. As a stroller, the 5in1 Sit-N-Stroll performs very well, handling corners smoothly even with one-hand steering, and the wheels and handle are easy to operate.
The Lightweight, 5in1 Sit-N-Stroll features an easy one-step operation. The 5-point harness system retrains baby safely and comfortably. Its adjustable height handle features high density foam handle grips. The low centre of gravity prevents stroller from tipping. The retracted stroller wheels are fully shielded from your automobile seat. The 5in1 Sit-N-Stroll features a removable and easy to clean padded cover. A convenient storage bin in back easily stores essentials. The 5in1Sit-N-Stroll can also be used as a booster seat for dining out.
Whether traveling by plane, rail, car or taxi, the 5in1 Sit-N-Stroll will simplify your life saving your family time and efforts.