Product Description
Concrete flake ice system:
A: Application in concrete mixing works:
Temperature-controlled concrete is used to build large-scale hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plant concrete, high-speed rail, grout large-scale bases of high-rise buildings. In the course of maintenance, the internal intensity of concrete increases gradually with the release of water-changed heat, which is not important for small-sized concrete structures but especially significant for the dyke projects that require the grouting of a large amount of concrete. In the course of maintenance, water-changed heat raises the temperature of concrete by 25º C, causing its volume to expand. However, after maintenance, the temperature of concrete falls down and its volume reduces. The above course often brings about cracks in dykes. Therefore, the initial grouting temperature of concrete should be low enough to ensure that the highest temperature of concrete during maintenance does not exceed that determined by design units. Although the requirements for concrete grouting temperature vary from country to country and from construction site to construction site within the range of 7º C to 15º C, every project needs installing with complete concrete refrigerating systems. Adding flake ice is the most effective pre-cooling way, each 10kg flake ice may reduce approximately 1.2º C to 1.4º C for one cube of concrete.