Metallic & Non Metallic.. The automotive like body work of motorcycle,car frame, automotive chassis, engine, and mechanical part, machine tools, metal pipe, gear, pump
body, name plates, valves and a range of other industries are increasingly looking to dot pin marking. From dot pin marking and engraving to industrial marking, EtchON
dot pin marking stand for quality, reliability, and innovation. Using dot pin technique we are capable of marking logos, simple text messages, part numbers, dates,
serial numbers and other required information, directly onto the product - whether the surface is rounded or flat. The marking process takes a matter of seconds.
Different models are available depending on individual requirements
EtchON DPM303 ", This model is multipurpose Dot Pin Marking Machine suitable for signing on metal material which size could be suitable under the marking head.
Printing scope 140 x 80 mm, In this machine system controller supports flat as well as circumferential marking. The stylus pin dotting on the surface with high
frequency and mark logo , it could mark character, alphanumeric ,date , numbers , series No , VIN codes , graphs etc.
Specifications :-
Controller : PC Based (Touch Screen Optional)
Marking Speed : 30 - 40 mm/s
Marking Depth :0.1 - 1 mm
Marking Scope : 140 x 80 mm / 360 Degrees
Pinhead Hardness : HRA92
Work piece Hardness allowed : =< HRC62
Material : Aluminum, Iron , Copper, Stainless Steel, Coated or plated material, Nylon, ABS, Poly carbonate, PVC, Most Metallic materials mark well.
Application Industry: Automobile or bodywork of motorcycle, car frame, automotive chassis, engine, and mechanical part, machine tool, metal pipe, gear, pump body,
valve, various hardness plastic products.