The BQ-C320-L Power Wheelchair is a quality product versatile use in everyday life. The following features are the characterisitc of the C320-L:
- Compact and user-friendly design
- Easy to adjust the seating group (seat width, seat depth, backrest angle)
- Seat suspension
- Easy to disassemble for transport
- Easy servicing due to modular component group concept
- Easy access to all component groups
- armrest/ side panels and footrest are detachable
- Powder coated Frame!!
Rough Technical Data of C320L:
Seat width : (42-52) cm (fixed/ option:continuously variable)
Seat depth : (42-46) cm ( continously variable)
Backhight : 44 cm ( Optional according to request)
Backrest fixed /option:adjustable by user -10°/0°/+10°/+20°+30° mechanic adjustment ( adjustment option: by gas-spring or actuator).
Speed :6 km/h standard
Motor : 2x 320 W - with electronic brake
Controller : P&G ( UK )-VR2 / VSI 50A (Position independly from the armrest) adjustable.
Batteries : 2x 12 V 38 Ah as standard ( Optional 55 Ah, 75 Ah)
Max. Load :125 kg
Ask also for economic version C320-S !!!
Very detailed technical data avaiable.