This is probably one of the hardest exercises to work your core as it focuses in on both the top and bottom portions of your abdominals. With the ab wheel on the floor, get on your hands and knees and grab the handles of the ab wheel and extend straight out so that core is parallel to the floor and then return to the beginning position. Like most bodyweight exercises, you can this one slightly easier or harder by pulling your knees off the floor or keeping them on the floor. To work the obliques, you can curve the path of the wheel slightly to the right or left and target those sides.
Ab wheels come in different sizes. The one from the video below is a bit larger than many of the smaller ab wheels you'll typically see in the gym, but they all work the same way.
An Ab Wheel Exercise can be a great addition to your core workout if you're tying to find an advanced way to strengthen your core muscles.
Next to the floor (which is free) is one of the cheapest pieces of abdominal exercise equipment that you can buy.
There are various types of wheels on the market, and there are a few variations of how you can use them.
Before I show you the ab exercises with the Power wheel, I think it is important to learn why it can put a lot of pressure on your lower back.
Ab Wheel Exercise and Lower Back Pain
Since I'm a physical therapist, I often think about the risk of injury to the lower back when performing advanced ab exercises, especially because most of the people I work with (and meet) have sedentary jobs, poor posture, and joint problems.
Every exercise has benefits and risks, so no exercise is simply good or bad. There can be many causes of lower back pain.
One cause of lower back pain is excessive arching (extension) of the back. When the back arches excessively, extra pressure is placed on the joints of the lower back.
The abdominal muscles help to prevent lower back pain by stopping the back from arching excessively. So when your abs are strong you are less likely to arch too much.
You must have above average core strength in order to properly perform an ab wheel exercise. As you roll out with the ab wheel, gravity pulls your spine into extension (arching), and if your abs are not strong enough to stabilize your pelvis and spine you will have too much pressure on the low back.
There is a second reason besides the position that extra pressure is placed on the lower back-- lack of flexibility in the shoulder (lats).
The latissimus dorsi (lats) is a back muscle that starts on your pelvis and lower back and goes all the way up to the shoulder.
The lats are often called the swimmer's muscle because they pull the shoulders down and back, like the freestyle swimming motion-- and swimmers tend to have really developed lats.
At any rate, in addition to pulling the shoulder down the lats can also help to arch the back. When the lats are tight and inflexible, they cause the back to arch when your arms are raised over your head.
As you roll out with the wheel, your arms move over your head, and if your lats (shoulders) are tight and inflexible your back will have the tendency to arch.
The third reason the ab wheel puts pressure on your lower back is stiffness in the hips (hip flexor).
The Hip Flexor muscles are the muscles that bend your hips. If you were standing these muscles would bring your knee up towards your chest. This is the same issue as with the lats (shoulder).
We all sit way too much, and prolonged sitting and sedentary jobs can make the hip flexors really tight.
The hip flexor muscles (iliopsoas) attach to the lower back and pelvis, and when they are tight they tend to cause the back to arch excessively, when the hips are straightened.
As you roll out with the wheel, your hips straighten, and if your hip flexors are tight and inflexible your back will have the tendency to arch.
This ab wheel exercise is an advanced ab exercise that puts pressure on the lower back because your abs have to fight against gravity, tight lats, and tight hip flexors.
I would not recommend full ab wheel roll outs for the beginner, but if you have decent core strength, good posture, good flexibility, and good overall conditioning, the ab wheel could be a great way to really strengthen your abs.
The ab wheel can also be a great tool for super active individuals or athletes training for serious athletic activity.
Don't be discouraged if you really want to try the wheel... Go For it, but listen to your body.
If you don't own an ab wheel here are some alternative exercises you can do with an exercise ball
Also, check out the Directory of Abdominal Exercises for all the exercises on this site.
Ab Wheel Exercise: Front Roll Outs
This is the most popular way to use the ab wheel.
Starting Position: Begin by kneeling on the floor, and hold both sides of the wheel. Use a pad for your knees or kneel on a mat for comfort.
Form: Roll the wheel forward, and lower your body as far as you can without arching your back. Then, use you abs to pull yourself back to the starting position.
Personal Trainer Tips: Only go as far as you can control. In the beginning use less range of motion until your abs get stronger and you master the form.
Your spine and hips should not move. Your abs have to remain tight from the beginning to keep your body in a solid position.
Ab Circle Pro sells for $199, Body by Jake Ab Scissor Ultra sells for $159, and the basic "old school" Ab Wheel sells for $10. The ironic thing is that cheap little ab wheels are more effective than either of these over priced, yet wildly popular, ab machines. The crazy thing is according to the merchant, over 700,000 Body By Jake Ab Scissors have been sold to date. Who knows how many Ab Circle Pro units have been sold, but it has to be a ton judging by all the recent infomercials on TV late at night or early in the morning.

[Getting flat abs or a a six pack is mainly about diet. The Ab Circle Pro advertises that you do "Cardio & Abs at the Same Time". Technically they aren't lying, except that the type of cardio performed will do very little if anything to make a difference.]
I Wish I Had Those Advertisers on My Side (Not Really)
Advertisers are getting better and better. I was shocked at how many Thighmaster units have been sold worldwide. I have read as many as 10 million have been sold since 1988. I don't want to necessarily slam these companies for trying to make money, but are they really offering good value for the money? It isn't that I'm against expensive pieces of equipment. When I eventually setup a home gym, I will drop a $1,000+ just for an Olympic Bar, adjustable bench, and a power rack…but it will more than payoff over time.
Read This Before Buying Any of These Ab Devices
I am guessing that many people will find this post while researching the "Body by Jake Ab Scissor Ultra" or "Ab Circle Pro" in Google. Anyway, most of the reviews you see in Google towards the top of the page are from affiliates promoting this product…making money when you purchase the product. I have nothing against making an honest buck online, but in this case, I wanted to save you some hard-earned money.
[Don't think for a second that these professional fitness models got their defined bodies from these devices. To be honest I think the main spokeswoman's abs are too defined anyway! I realize that she works hard, but I doubt most women want a mid-section like that.]
You Won't Lose Weight Using These Devices
The infomercial you just watched was done by professionals…they know how to push emotional triggers in a way that makes you want to buy regardless of price. The bottom line is that these devices will work your abs a bit, but do very little in the way of helping you lose weight.
Where the "Ab Circle Pro" Results Come From
This disclaimer on the testimonial page says it all…"The complete Ab Circle Pro system includes a reduced calorie diet and regular aerobic exercises…Participants ate a reduced calorie diet and did the Ab Circle Pro workout regularly." So in addition to the ab workout (which was suppose to be cardio at the same time as the ab workout)…the participants did extra cardio. They also reduced their calories. The diet is the real reason behind the fat loss and the cardio helped a bit as well. The Ab Circle Pro played a very marginal role in the results you see on TV as well as the website.
$10 Ab Wheels Will Do A Better Job Tightening the Mid-Section
At almost any sporting good store or places like Sears or Target, you can find Ab Wheels. They range from $8-$100. Don't go for the expensive ones…I have had a cheap little plastic ab wheel for close to 10 years and it has served me well. The key with this simple piece of equipment is that your mid-section is doing all of the work, not the device. It doesn't really need to be more complex than this. No need to spend any more than $10-$15 max.
[The cheap little ab wheel I have looks almost exactly like this.]
What About Those Fancy Instructional Videos?
Well, thank goodness for Youtube! You can head over there right now and see several examples of good ab wheel workouts. This gentleman does a good job of explaining form. The main point is to make sure you don't hyper-extend your back. I don't like to crunch my abs hard at the top, but I do insure that my back doesn't arch and that my abs are supporting the resistance, not my spine.
[You will see people doing these from their feet...I feel it is safer and just as effective to stay on your knees. It looks cool to go from your feet, but in my opinion you are asking for a back injury.]
I Use the Ab Roller As A Way of Doing an "Advanced Plank"
In case you don't know what a plank is, here is a post I did explaining planks and an ab workout I have done for quite a few years: 7 Minute Abs? 8 Minute Abs? What About 6 Minute Abs? In fact…If you are a beginner, I would recommend doing this routine for a month before adding in the ab wheel. What I like to do with the ab wheel is roll it forward a foot and hold that position for 30 seconds then another foot or so and hold that position for 30 seconds and just a bit further and hold that position for as long as comfortable. I like to use it for tough static holds to generate serious tension in the abs. I do this maybe 1-2 times per week at home in addition to my plank workout.
No Need to Get Fancy to Lose a Bunch of Body Fat
Honestly…I know that this won't sound as fun as those late night infomercials, but simply eat less. To find out exact eating strategies, you can go to blogs like this one and get a ton of useful info. Find 4-5 good sites and set aside a few hours instead of watching TV and you can learn a ton of strategies that work. Again…if you are dead set on getting the "Ab Circle Pro" or "Body by Jake Ab Scissor Ultra", you will still have to insure your diet is right. If I can't save you from spending $199…at least let me help you with your diet!
[Be careful when dealing with advertising! Here is a video of a fitness model who was a spokesman of Hydroxycut, admitting to using steroids to achieve his look...not Hydroxycut. I think his physique looks way too big and unnatural anyway...but I respect him for telling the truth. He was fired as a spokesperson almost immediately after stating this fact.]
Note: What do you guys think about me calling these companies out? Too critical? I don't like messing with someone's way of generating income, but I also don't like seeing people spend money when there is much cheaper and superior alternatives.