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Place of Origin: Guangdong

Company Profile

Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Business Type: Manufacturer, Trading Company
Main Products: CanScan D900, PPS2000, MB Star2000 C3, Toyota Keymaker, X431 Infinite TOOL

Product Detail

Model No.: GT1
Export Area: world wide
Delivery Date: 7days

Product Description

 GT1 can complete coverage of ALL BMWsystems,one thing that can only be done using the GT1, this function is calledElectronic Control Unit (ECU) programming and configuration. Many of theoriginal electronic systems on modern vehicles can now be re programmed usingsoftware; historically any changes to rectify software problems would involve anew ECU which would be purchased from the parts department and that is the onlyway that the independent market today is able to overcome these problems. TheBMW GT1 system allows you re programme all BMW car ECU¡¯s to fix software or toinstall a blank ECU to a repaired vehicle. GT1 is the only system that allowsyou to do this and is absolutely essential if working on Freelander,the GT1 isalso the only system that provides all diagnostics and programming for the verylatest BMW launched this year.

BMW GT1 software kit comprises of fivesystems: TIS system, DIS data system, diagnosis system, measuring system andmanangement system. You can to test and check data information same time inGT1.

System functions:
- Read faulty codes
- Clear faulty codes
- Data stream
- Activate state
- Component test
- Maintenance data information
-Components location
- Wiring diagram etc, TIS AND DIS ARE SUPPLY all ofsystem diagram of all of BMW car
- Maintainence method and codinginformation etc

Full set consist of:
- Mobit MPS-10" orMPS-12" (Industrial PC like GT1-SCAN Pro mainbody)
- Power cable
-Diagnostic interfece (Yellow head)
- Cable for vehicles with 20pindiagnostic connector
- Cable for vehicles with OBD-II diagnostic connector
- Link cable for connecting Mobit and Diagnostic interface
- Latestdiagnostic version of software
- Like option Wireless card.

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