Upgraded AMR - Anti-tampering System with the International Patend
*Targeted High Value Suspected Sites
*Well Publicized Arrests and Conviction Lead to Deterrence to would be Thefts
*Customers with Sanneng's Anti-Tampering System Installed Showed an Increase of 8% in Revenue Generation
*Dramatic ROI in Days
Design Advantages
*Detects all electric theft from step-down transformer to multi-function electric meter
*Real-time data analysis
*Easy detection through graphical interface and real-time alert of tampering by wireless CPU module
*Detects actual theft through real-time alert
*Records and quantifies actual theft to help collect evidence for prosecuting thieves
*Detects multi-function electric meter tampering or fault
*Detects electric theft pattern
*Access to consumption and theft pattern through web enabled device by field personnel
*No tampering is possible on the high-tension lines
*Detects tampering of wireless transmitter, multi-function electric meter and wireless CPU module
*Indirectly acts as AMR system by allowing utility companies to retrieve data from multi-function electric meters, more anti-jamming comparing the developed Country's
*Alert limit is user-settable remotely to compensate for transformer efficiency