8 pairs 2-pole over-voltage protection magazine for LSA module with GDT
Main Features
Modular 10 pair design
Easy installations
Maintenance free
Graded 3 point protection
Fail Safe (FS) function
Technical Parameters
1) Working temperature: -20℃ ~ 60℃
2) Storage temperature: -40℃ ~80℃
3) Relative humidity: ≤85%(+30℃)
4) Atmospheric pressure: 70kPa ~106kPa
5) Appearance: the color of all metal and plastic parts is uniform, without any scratch, rust, crusting and cracks.
6) The labels are clear and complete.
7) Flame retardant performance: all plastic parts and printed circuit board are flame retardant, reaching grade of GB/T5169.7FV-0
8) Nominal DC spark-over voltage (100V/s) : 230±20% V
9) Impulse spark-over voltage (1kV/us): ≤700V
10) Impulse discharge current (8/20us, 10 times) (a+b)-e: 5kA
11) Impulse discharge current (10/1000us, 300times) (a+b-e):100A
12) AC discharge current (50Hz, 1s, 5 times) )(a+b)-e:5A
13) Insulation resistance: insulation between line a and line b, and/or between line a, b and grounding wire and alarming signal line, and/or between grounding wire and alarming signal line ≥ 1000MΩ. And after high temperature test, low temperature test, temperature varing test and humidity heat test, the insulation resistance ≥ 1000MΩ.
14) Contact resistance: under normal ambient conditions, the contact resistance between protector and block contacts ≤7 mΩ. After high temperature test, low temperature test, temperature varing test and humidity heat test, the increasing resistance ≤3 mΩ And after inserting the connection cord (or test cord) into the module for 200 times, the increasing resistance ≤3 mΩ

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8 pairs 2-pole over-voltage protection magazine for LSA module with GDT

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8 pairs 2-pole over-voltage protection magazine for LSA module with GDT
Order Data
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