The 2X series vacuum pump is of two-stage structure, its operation performance consists of two parts, high-pressure stage andlowpressure stage. Its suction port is connected with the vacuum container or other vacuum equipments to helps intaking ordraining the gas inside the container during operation. When the equipment is in vacuum, the high-pressure stage drain valvewill be closed, then the gas suctioned by the high-pressure stage will be transferred to the second stage, after that, thegas will be suctioned and drained through the second stage, so that the vacuum equipment can get a certain extent vacuum. Thetechnical parameter of the pump is 6×10-2Pa. According to the user's operation requirements, to equip a vacuum booster pump,and this pump is used as a backing pump. Since the booster pump increased suction force, accompanied with the continuoussuction of the backing pump, the equipment will obtain higher vacuum percentage.