Mini video are shrinking in size. The sized spy camera fits to keep it hidden and take. It has a one touch recordbutton which allows you to quickly snap pictures or start the camcorder rolling to grab that evidence/fun you need/like.Video is recorded on to a 1GB up build in Memory in AVI format which can record 15 frames per second with 3.5-14hours of recording storage(depend on memory size,1GB-4GB).and the picture size is 640X480!!! The battery is charged viaUSB which also allows transfer of video files. As well as recording video the camera can be used as a USB mass storageevice. The lens is a 3.6mm wide angle allowing some pretty good capture. LED Dispaly ,Tiny size makes it ideal for avariety of uses.It's great for use as a hidden cam,spy cam etcRealtime recording in AVI video format video with voice letsyou clearly see who’s there&hear what they say. Place it up high or conceal it down low.with built-in rechargeable batteryso and all in one design. Camera Technical Parameter Recording Mode:Continuous recording until memory is full or manuallly off,Recording Mode:Continuous recording until memory is full or manuallly off Record Time:Up to 2 hours.VideoCompression:AVI video format,352×288