Product Introduction
Floating Oil Containment Boom is an non absorbent barrier designed to contain spills or floating debris. With our standard design of the boom includes a top flotation device and a bottom skirt, these booms perform very well in rough weather and can be used for short or long term deployment in harbours, rivers, ponds, dams and other open waterways.
This containment boom is one of our most economical and lightweight containment boom products.Containment booms come in many different shapes, sizes, and styles ranging from small, lightweight models intended for manual deployment in harbors, to large, robust units which usually need cranes and sizeable vessels designed for the open seas to handle them.
Featuring a high strength impermeable fabric and robust tension cable components, these booms are well equipped to maintain strength against high currents, waves and tides.
Open water oil containment booms are high buoyancy curtains suited for harbors and open water conditions. Equipped for tough spills and cleanup applications, these booms are equipped for quick response and operation in moving water areas.
Model JXY-WGV700
Total Height 700mm
Freeboard 200mm
Draft 370mm
Section Length 20m
Fabric PVC
working Tensile Strength(KN) 40
wave Height to withstand(m) 1
wind Speed to Withstand(m/s) 15
current Speed to Withstand(Kn) 1.5