The CBD oil Liquid Peristaltic Metering Pump, has one substantial benefit: accurate dispensing or metering without risk of cross-contamination. Dosing and Metering Pumps became ideal for a wide range of industries and applications because of this advantage.
example, in medical or laboratory devices, purification Peristaltic
Pump can be used for processing of sterile fluids, dialysis, filtration,
or bio-processing, Our model BT300LC Stepper Motor Peristaltic Pump is very popular in hospital, it has high accuracy as it's also Vials Filling Peristaltic Pump. In
food, agriculture, or disinfection processes, they can be used for
dispensing food or beverages, vitamins or chemicals. It also can be used
for wastewater treatment or other environmental application such as
condensate removal in gas analysis. So if you want CBD oil peristaltic Intelligent Liquid Pump with high flow/medium flow/micro flow, choose Chuangrui brand is the best choice.