Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that can be eaten fresh. Medically active ingredient is passion important species such as flavonoid leaves contain alkaloids and al Harman used to lower blood pressure. The flowers have a strong sedative effects. To sleep Passion fruit has a high vitamin Reduce fat in the blood Cure cystitis Carotene are carotenoids and vitamin C than lemons. The passion fruit extract has anti cancer.
The past also reported about passion. The result of the consumption of healthy older people, not so much offices Research Fund (TRF). It supports research projects. "The result of the passion fruit juice antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the elderly" with Dr. Supachai Watchara golden lion Faculty of Medical Technology. University education is the chief ingredient of passion fruit peel of the purple and yellow in vitro. The effect on the ability to drink passion fruit antioxidants. Anti-inflammatory And stimulate the immune system in the elderly.