1. Introduction of solvent extraction plant
(1) Function: Leaching system is an oil extraction through soaking or spraying pre-pressed cake by a certain organic solvent. The principle of this part is the different solubility of solvent.
(2) Use range: solvent extraction plant fits for pre-press extraction of high-oil- content materials and direct once time extraction of low-oil-content materials.
(3) Main parts: The solvent extraction plant series includes rotary extractor, toaster, 1st evaporator, 2nd evaporator, stripping tower, condenser, etc.
2. Main parts of solvent extraction plant
(1) Solvent pumps: continuously spray solvent to the rotary-typr extractor.
(2) Roary extractor: spray and soak the pre-pressed cake with solvent so that oil fats can be dissolved in solvent (form miscella). After processing, you can get wet meal and miscella (mixed oil).
(3) DTDC: used to separate the solvent from the wet meal.
(4) Miscella tank 1st: pump the miscella ( oil with solvent) into the miscella 1st, then add 10% saline water to it. The phospholipid and impurities in the miscella will react with the saline water, at last the reactant precipitate, reaching the goal of purifying.
(5) Miscella tank 2nd: the purified miscella will be pumped into it.
(6) Miscella stripping: it will remove the remaining solvent in miscella. And the solvent will be discharged to condenser for recycling.
(7) Condensers: used to cooling the solvent gas separated from the wet meal and miscella for recycling.

3. Main Process of solvent extraction plant
(1) The material (for pretreatment) is sent to rotary extraction by the scraper conveyor. The material will extracted by the solvent or mix oil. After this step, we will get meal and mix oil.
(2) Meal is send to toaster. Through the toaster, the solvent in the meal will seperate from the meal. The solvent goes to condenser and is recycled to rotary extraction.
(3) After the mix oil from the rotary extraction enters into 1st evaporator and 2nd evaporator, most of the solvent in the mix oil is separated.
(4) The mix oil from 2nd evaporator goes to stripping tower and almost all the solvent is separated. From the stripping tower, we can get crude oil and solvent. The solvent is sent to condenser and is recycled to rotary extraction.
4. Advantages of solvent extraction plant
(1) High oil yield, obvious economic benefit.
(2) Less residual oil rate in the dry meal.
(3) Improving the quality of the meal.
(4) Low processing cost, high labor productivity.