Product Description
Small FME Female Stubby Direct Connect Sector Stick AntennaDescription : 2G/3G Monopole Helical Antenna 824~896/880~960/1710~1880/1850~1990/1710~2170MHz FME(F) Straight connector2G/3G, Agriculture, Automotive, Black, Cellular, Connector Mount, Digital Signage, Emergency Services, External, FME(F) Straight, HD Video, Healthcare,Helical, Home Automation, Marine, Monopole, Smart Grid, Smart Home, Telematics,Telemedicine, Tracking, Vending Machines 1. Application and Features
Applications :
1: 2G / 3G cellular band
2: 824 -2170Mhz system applications
Features :
1: 0dbi gain for lower cellular bands.
2: Robust and compact
3: 50ohms2. Specifications
Electrical SpecificationsFrequency Range (MHz)900/1800/2100Bandwidth (MHz)136/280/250Horizontal Beamwidth-°40Vertical Beamwidth-° 35Input Impendance (Ω)50V.S.W.R≤ 3.0Gain (dBi)4Max Input Power (w)5Mechanical SpecificationsAntenna Dimension-mm (mm)52.3*7.8Connect TypeFME femaleRated Wind Velocity60 km/hWork Temperature -℃-40℃ - +80℃Pole Diameter -mmΦ40℃ - 50℃Cable length -mm03. VSWR