Product Description
Large capacity walk in high low temperature humidity test chamberLarge capacity walk in high low temperature humidity test chamber is suitable for large parts and machineries undergone low to high and high to low temperature change test, constant hot test, temperature/humid alternating test. User can make to order according to their needs for the room size and test requirements.Kunshan Bositong Instrument Equipment Co., LTD is a high-tech enterprise, established for one-stop service restructuring by focusing on customers'laboratory overall technical support service and equipment integration, specializing in researching and developing all kinds of test instrument and offering technical service.Our main equipment are Temperature and humidity testing chamber, High low temperature testing chamber, Fast temperature change testing chamber, Large scale walk-in laboratory, High temperature environmental chamber ect.Technical Data:Temperature Range: -40℃ to 100℃ Accuracy of temperature: ±0.2℃Humidity Range: 20 to 95%RH Accuracy of humidity: ±2%RHController: LCD Color Touch Screen (JHH-2011)Power Supply: Single Phase 220V; 3phase 380VWater: Pure water or distilled waterInternal material: SUS#304 stainless steelExternal material: Yellow paint steel plateInsulation material: Fire PU foamDATA FORMTYPEBST-WC1BST-WC2BST-WC4BST-WD1BST-WD2BST-WD4INETERNALDIMENSION(W*D*H)CM380×203×210388×203×210380×195×210388×293×210388×293×210388×285×210EXTERMALDIMENSION(W*D*H)CM510×225×242510×225×242540×225×252510×315×242510×315×242540×315×252TEMPERATURERANGEHlGHTEMPERATURE808080808080HEATINGTIME606060606060(R.T-80℃)MINLOWTEMOERATURE-10-20-40-10-20-40COOLINGTIME(R.T~L.T.℃)MlN60601206060120POWER3PHASES220V110A115A140A160A170A215AOR3PHASES380V60A70A85A95A100A125A