Product Description
Blue Stone TileMaterial NameBlue Stone TileCode No Size30x30x1cm/1.5/cm/2cm/3cm/4cm/5cm 60x30x1cm/1.5/cm/2cm/3cm/4cm/5cm 60x60x1cm/1.5/cm/2cm/3cm/4cm/5cm 50x50x1cm/1.5/cm/2cm/3cm/4cm/5cm 80x80x1cm/1.5/cm/2cm/3cm/4cm/5cm 100x100x1cm/1.5/cm/2cm/3cm/4cm/5cm Or any custom sizeFinishHoned, polish, bush hammered, flamed+brush, chiseled, acid+brush, sandblasted etcDescriptionBlue stone is a kind of natural limestone, original from China. this material is hard and durable. Widely use for outside paver, pool tile and pool coping. PackingBy fumigated wooden crateCertificateCE CertificationLead-time for production15-25 daysTerms of PaymentBy T/T or Irrevocable L/C