Product Description
Froth FlotationFroth flotation is a process for selectively separating hydrophobic materials from hydrophilic. This is used in mineral processing, paper recycling and waste-water treatment industries. It is the single most important operation used for the recovery and upgrading of sulfide ores. The development of froth flotation has improved the recovery of valuable minerals, such as copper- and lead-bearing minerals. Along with mechanized mining, it has allowed the economic recovery of valuable metals from much lower grade ore than previously.
Using of the combination of XCF flotation machines, the pulp is fed to the feeding box, then the pulp is suctioned to the XCF flotation by feeding pipe, next through another XCF flotation machine and the tailings box or intermediate box.
The slurry flow is controlled by the gate in the middle box or conical valve in the tailings box. Foam chute along the flotation machine longitudinal bracket on one side or both sides of the flotation machine.Application: mining, Waste water treatment, Paper recycling* The flotation machine is consisted of:
* Feed box
* Flotation machine
* Intermediate box and release box
* Foam flowing chute
* Scraper unitXCFflotation machine
(m³/min)Diameter of impeller(mm)Speed of impeller(r/min)Air input
(m³/m ²..min)Motor power(KW)weight(T)For mixingFor scraperXCF-110.2-140035825.51.11.2XCF-220.4-247033127.51.11.7XCF-330.6-35402662111.52.3XCF-441.2-46202152151.52.7XCF-883.0-87201852221.54.4XCF-16164-168601602371.56.6XCF-24246-249501532451.58.8XCF-383810-3810501482551.511.2Using of the combination of XCF flotation machine and KYF flotation machine, the pulp is fed to the feeding box, then the pulp is suctioned to the XCF flotation by feeding pipe, next through KYF flotation machine and the tailings box or intermediate box.
The slurry flow is controlled by the gate in the middle box or conical valve in the tailings box. Foam chute along the flotation machine longitudinal bracket on one side or both sides of the flotation machine.
KYFflotation machineTypeEffective volume (m³)Capacity (m³/min)Diameter of impeller
(mm)Speed of impeller (r/min)Motor power (KW)One cell weight (T)AgitationScraperKYF-110.2-134028141.10.8KYF -220.4-24102475.51.11.4KYF -330.6-34802197.51.51.9KYF -441.2-4550200111.52.2KYF -883.0-8630175151.54.2KYF -16164-16740160301.56.0KYF -24246-24800153371.58.4KYF -383810-38880138451.510.5